Wave of Light - 2022
October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month. October 15th specifically is the global event: "Wave of Light." On this date at 7pm you light a candle and leave it burning for one hour in memory of all the babies that have gone too soon.
I have been participating in this event since 2018, when we lost our first pregnancy. In 2021 I decided to light two candles to signify my two pregnancy losses as I suffered a complete molar pregnancy July/August of 2021. This year, I will light three candles that will represent all three of my pregnancy losses (chemical pregnancy this past May of 2022).

This event brings together those grieving the loss of a child in a ceremony of unity. Candles are lit for one hour, creating a continuous chain of light that spans across the world for a 24-hour period. If you have social media you can post a photo of your lit candle(s) and use the hashtag #WaveOfLight at 7pm local time to join the digital Wave of Light on October 15th.
Participating in this event helps me feel less alone in my grief. It shows that many families are grieving their losses alongside me. We all share this invisible pain.
Will you be joining me this year?
Comment below a picture of your candle and who it is in memory for <3